I locked myself in the house in the countryside,
far from that turmoil,
which pressed upon me like a tight turban on my brow.
Yet longing followed me here,
wielding some clever keys I know not of,
as it easily opened the door
and awakened me.
Once again, I am reduced to skin and bone.
Sleep comes sparingly.
Food no longer pleases me.
I rise from bed,
like a child taking their first hesitant steps…
I gaze at the sun, which too seems lonely,
but unlike me,
it can travel anywhere in the world,
casting shadows to mirror the forms of every object
or creature it encounters,
revealing them as a cosmos wrapped
in migrating spears.
Even the tobacco,
which moments ago
I carefully wrapped in the cigarette paper,
sends me discreet signals through the smoke,
spinning, swirling above a sliver of the horizon.
And I, motionless,
struggle to close the door of my heart to longing,
yet I rust in the fiery hinges of despair.
„Yes,” you whisper to me,
from somewhere behind.
How you came so near,
I cannot comprehend—my thoughts have all flown away.
„You have no locks strong enough
to keep me out,
not even in the darkest corner of your fortress.”